Betty Boukus Month of Service - Change the World Through Caring & Kindness

Plainville Senior Center Will Lead Town-Wide “Betty Boukus Month of Service”
Invites Groups and Individuals to “Change the World through Caring & Kindness”

In remembrance of one of Plainville’s long-time advocates, the Plainville Senior Center is promoting a month of volunteerism at all levels, in all corners of this community.  “Betty Boukus was a true friend of our Senior Center, and to honor her memory we are kicking off a special program celebrating the way Betty lived her life,” Senior Center Director Shawn Cohen said. “She always asked others, ‘What can I do for you?’  We want everyone in town to ask that question, and do something kind and helpful for someone else. This is Betty’s legacy.”

“Betty loved Plainville and she loved people,” Assistant Senior Center Director Ronda Guberman said. “To capture her spirit of helping and caring, we’re sponsoring the Betty Boukus Month of Service. Young or old, we’re inviting all ages to participate. Together, let’s demonstrate how caring and kindness can change the world – starting right here in town.”

The Month of Service program simply asks that persons volunteer to do something – large or small – for another person or organization between March 15 and April 15.  Participants should then report their good deeds to the Senior Center, which will keep a large master list of all the kindnesses done during the month.  Reports of good deeds from “anonymous” persons will also be recorded.

“We will hang giant posters at both the Senior Center and the Municipal Center, listing the names and good deeds of everyone who participates, and update them weekly,” Shawn Cohen said. “We hope residents will drop in, view the poster and take notice of all the kindness and caring that we can generate for one another.”

On Tuesday, April 16th, the Senior Center will host a closing celebration to recognize and congratulate everyone who participated in the Month of Service, and to share reminiscences about Betty Boukus.  Betty’s husband Gary and their children and grandchildren will be our guests of honor.

Click here to view the flyer that contains a list of ideas for acts of caring and kindness .