Board & Commission Openings

The Town of Plainville has openings on the following Boards/Commissions:  

       Economic Development Agency - concerned with the promotion and development of the economic resources of the town.

       Inland Wetlands Commission – protects the wetlands and watercourses within the Town of Plainville. 

Planning & Zoning Commission – hears land use applications for residential, recreational, commercial, and industrial purposes. Amends and adopts the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development. Responsible for the establishment and administration of the Town’s zoning regulations. Hears, decides, reviews, and conducts hearings for special exceptions and site plan reviews.

Zoning Board of Appeals – varies the zoning regulations where, due to specific hardship, a resident seeks relief from zoning standards.  The Board is also charged with reviewing applications for the suitability of locations of gas stations and auto repairers and dealers, as well as hearing appeals from the orders of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.

If you are a registered voter in the Town of Plainville and wish to serve on one of these Boards or Commissions, please contact the Town Manager’s Office at 860-793-0221 x205 to request an application.